청년 창업 지원금 Youth policy details

청년 창업 지원금To protect personal information, you will be automatically logged out if you do not use the service for 60 minutes.
Time remaining :
Financial service support for commercialization of start-up items for young people under the age of 39 (supporting loans of up to 100 million won at an annual interest rate of 2% (fixed rate)) and providing education
Plus Friend ‘Online Youth Center’
Kakao Talk Consultation
1:1 online counseling with professional counselors by field
Book an in-depth consultation
Institution/group/study group customized visit counseling
Visiting Counseling
Weekdays 09:00 – 18:00 (excluding holidays)
Telephone consultation 1811-9876

Korea Employment Information Service, 6 Taejeong-ro, Maengdong-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, 27740
Inquiries about the online youth center system work.kr/kakaoyouths

Main phone number: 1577-7114 (paid)

청년 창업 지원금
