청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법 및 지원자격 How to apply for credit increase support for young people and eligibility

I came across an article that said the credit recovery committee had prepared an incentive.

Those who are in the process of personal rehabilitation have been unable to repay their debts due to excessive debt in the past, so they have reached out to the state and received support. If you have been faithful to repayment for up to 5 years, it is also an excellent option for financial activities as in the past.

But even during your personal recovery, you may still need money.

It is very difficult to get a loan through a commercial bank as the credit score is in a state of red light. It is also the same in the 2nd financial sector. That’s why I couldn’t avoid using a high-interest product called a regenerative loan.

청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법

청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법


Before that, if you knew a few things, you could use a low-interest product for a small amount, but is it because you lacked information? Or was it because the amount was small? As long as you have had a hard experience through debt, you should use sound loans from now on. If you had used the rehabilitation loan, you would feel that the debt has not improved even after the rehabilitation is over.

First of all, the credit recovery committee needs to figure out the microfinance system.

If you are a person who is in debt adjustment like personal rehabilitation, you will be a target, but you can apply for sincere repayers here, so it is essential to have a habit without overdue.

Even during rehabilitation, funds can be raised through microfinance loans for faithful repayers of the Credit Recovery Committee
Individual rehabilitation is a program that receives support through the state for difficult situations that are experiencing due to financial difficulties. dog…


If you refer to my previous post, you can check the process of using the microfinance system. This is a policy support fund that can receive support such as livelihood stabilization funds, school expenses, operating funds, etc.

Credit Recovery Committee Loan for faithful repayment

Source: Credit Recovery Commission

Those who have been faithfully repaying for more than 6 months during debt restructuring or who have completed repayment within the last 3 years. Or if you have been sincere for more than 12 months with a personal rehabilitation plan, or if you have completed repayment within the last 3 years, you can borrow funds within up to 15 million won.

Refer to the Credit Recovery Committee

In order to use this system, only those who are faithfully paying during the debt adjustment period will be given the opportunity. In fact, it’s a very natural thing to do. I even arranged the difficult loan debt to an appropriate level, but if this is overdue, the meaning of support will fade.

However, it is still too early to be disappointed. Even if it’s not a long time, you can receive encouragement money if your credit score rises by completing a few things.

Credit rise support project for young people

Source: Credit Recovery Commission

Refer to the press release of the Shinbok Committee

The Credit Recovery Committee and the Credit Card External Contribution Foundation announced that they would pay credit incentives to young people who are undergoing debt restructuring.

According to the press release, the credit increase incentive fund is operated with a financial source of 170 million won, and up to 400,000 won per person when the credit score rises for those who have used credit welfare consulting provided by the Credit Recovery Commission and completed online credit training at the Credit Education Center. It is a system in which incentives are paid.

The goal is to develop borrowers’ credit management skills through credit welfare consulting and credit education. Among those who have completed debt restructuring, youth under the age of 39 who have been issued a small amount credit card and are using it normally are eligible for support.

Those who have been selected will receive 100,000 won of encouragement money first and receive an additional 300,000 won when their credit score rises by more than 20 points after 6 months.

A total of 425 people will be recruited for 2 weeks from April 3, 2023, so those who confirmed it should participate quickly. It is said that the application method can be applied through the Credit Recovery Committee app.

I said I had to do two things before.

Credit welfare consulting and credit education completion.

Credit Welfare Consulting is a consulting service to help you quickly recover your credit and improve your life. This is the first task that you can check through the link shown at the bottom and proceed through “Apply for Credit Consulting”.

Credit Recovery Committee
Workout, conversion loan, personal rehabilitation, bankruptcy, credit education, grade inquiry, guarantee, debt adjustment, delinquency, bad credit.



Refer to the website of the Shinbok Committee 1

Second, you must complete the online credit education of the Shinbok Committee.

Refer to the website of the Shinbok Committee 2

Credit Recovery Commission Credit Education Center
Operation of the Credit Recovery Committee, provision of credit education for children, teenagers, the general public and low-income financial users, nationally certified credit counselors, application for on-site education


You can check it through the address shown above. There are quite a few videos. As a course for those who have confirmed the youth credit rise support project, you must select and attend at least one lecture, and you do not have to submit a separate certificate of completion.

Refer to the website of the Shinbok Committee 3

Don’t just pass it over because you don’t have to submit it. I think it will be beneficial for your future financial activities to take the time to receive education.

Even during debt restructuring, if you use the system well, you can catch both rabbits of good loans and incentives. Since it is an encouragement fund to acquire credit management skills, I hope that through this opportunity, it will be shortened more than anyone else and return to the healthy financial activities of the past.