청소년증 발급방법 How to issue a youth card

All adults in Korea have a resident registration card. Do you know about the youth ID card that is issued only to teenagers aged 9 to 18?

청소년증 발급방법

청소년증 발급방법

Originally, for our children, the student ID card issued by the school was the only tool representing their student status. As a result, there was no way for teenagers outside of school to reveal that they were students.

Now, you can verify your student status with your youth ID card and receive various benefits accordingly. Today, we will explain how to issue a youth card, what materials are needed for issuance, and how long it takes to issue a youth card.

How to issue a youth card and who to issue it to
How to issue a youth card and who to issue it to
Applicant for issuance: Youth aged 9 to 18 or legal representative
Application location: Regardless of address, the nearest administrative welfare center
Documents to be submitted: 1 youth photo (3X4), issuance application form, ID card (agent, etc.)
Transportation card: Choose between Rail Plus, One Pass, or Cashbee
Out-of-pocket expenses: Free (registration costs are borne by the applicant when applying for registration)
※ For re-issuance, please refer to ‘Bokbok-ro (direct link)’.

Youth ID – Re-issuance application form download
How to issue a youth card
Juvenile ID card required
Youth ID issuance procedure
1 copy of application form (see download below)
1 business card photo taken within 6 months (size 3×4)
If you apply by proxy, the following documents are additionally required.

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agent identification card
Person with parental authority: Copy or extract of resident registration registered with the youth and representative (person with parental authority)
Guardian: Juvenile basic certificate (details) and court decision
Person under protection at a juvenile facility: Proof of employment
Resident registration certificate issued online, PDF saved, printed, solved in 5 minutes

Resident registration certificate issued online PDF
Resident registration certificate issued online, PDF saved, printed, solved in 5 minutes
For various reasons, such as receiving a mortgage loan or receiving government subsidies, we often have to obtain and submit a copy of our resident registration. I also received a copy of my resident registration for the first time to receive a loan. However, I felt like it was a waste to spend time and money to go to the administrative welfare center to get a copy of my resident registration. Meanwhile, I learned that it is possible to issue a resident registration certificate online. Eureka! So today, we will learn about how to issue a resident registration certificate online in 5 minutes, how to save it as a PDF, and how to print it.
Youth card benefits and validity period
The validity period of the youth ID card expires on the day the child turns 19 years old.

Youth card benefits
20-40% discount on subway fares
10-50% discount on railway fares
10% discount at Youngpoong Bookstore and Kyobo Bookstore stores nationwide
Baseball stadium admission ticket discount of 5,000 won to 8,000 won
1,000 won~3,000 won discount on movie theaters
Free admission to major palaces including Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, and Deoksugung Palace
Free or discounted admission when using art galleries and major museums such as the National Science Museum