퇴직연금 조회 및 퇴직연금 종류 총정리 Summary of retirement pension inquiry methods and retirement pension types

There are many people who work at a company without knowing how much their retirement pension is accumulated.


퇴직연금 조회

퇴직연금 조회

In my case, I didn’t receive any notification to see if my retirement pension was being paid, so I didn’t know how much I had paid until now.


However, non-payment of retirement pension can cause problems with retirement funds, so it is a good idea to check how much you have saved in advance.


This is also a right that incumbents deserve.


Today, we will look at three ways to check retirement pensions for small and medium-sized businesses.



How to check points

There are three main ways to check your points.


1. Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service retirement pension: You can check DC and IRP retirement pension.
2. Integrated Pension Portal: You can comprehensively check pension savings and retirement pension.
3. You can check the contribution of the small and medium-sized business retirement pension fund system.


1) Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service retirement pension

If you are a worker who has signed up for a DC or IRP retirement pension plan rather than the Small and Medium Business Retirement Pension Fund System, you can check this on the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service’s retirement pension website.


DC is a financial product that allows workers to directly manage their retirement pension. On the other hand, the Small and Medium Business Retirement Pension Fund System operates the pension and manages it professionally and systematically.

You can check by clicking on the [Electronic Complaint Window] – [Asset Status] – [Savings Fund Management Status] menu on the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service’s retirement pension website.


You can find out not only the date of subscription, but also the rate of return and operation status of the management product.


I felt much relieved to see this with my own eyes rather than not knowing how much pension was accumulated.




2) Integrated pension portal

Unlike the previous method, you can also check your pension through the integrated pension portal.


On the integrated pension portal, you can check not only your retirement pension but also your pension savings.


After signing up for the Integrated Pension Portal and verifying your identity, you can inquire 3 days later. Click on the [My Pension Inquiry/Financial Planning] menu to find out your current pension status.


The reason it takes 3 days to inquire is because it takes time to collect personal information from financial companies.


At this time, for the DB type, you can only check the subscription status, and for the DC type, you can even check the accumulated amount.




3) Small Business Retirement Pension Fund System Blue Seed

If you have signed up for a small and medium-sized business retirement pension fund system other than DC or IRP, you can check it on ‘Blue Seed’, a site where you can check this.


You can check the details of your charges by clicking on the [Search] – [Contributions] – [Contribution Payment Details] menu on the Blue Seed website.