트립닷컴 고객센터 및 전화번호 Trip.com customer service center and phone number

Let’s look at information about Trip.com’s customer service center phone number and operating hours. We hope this will be helpful to those who need to inquire about customer service while using travel-related services and products, such as hotel or airline ticket reservations, at Trip.com.

트립닷컴 고객센터

트립닷컴 고객센터

Trip.com customer service phone number
Trip.com customer service phone number
How to check the Trip.com Customer Center app
Trip.com Customer Center Operating Hours
Trip.com customer service phone number

Trip.com Customer Center Phone Number: 1666-0060
Trip.com customer center information can be found on the website below. The phone number where you can be contacted is different when using the customer center in Korea and overseas, so please contact the customer center through the contact number appropriate for your location.

Trip.com Customer Center
How to check the Trip.com Customer Center app
You can also check customer service phone number information in the Trip.com app. After opening the app, go to the “My Account” menu at the bottom right and you will see the customer service menu in the center of the screen.

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After moving to the Customer Center menu, you can use the chat service to check various inquiries, and you can also check the contact information for phone or email inquiries.

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Trip.com Customer Center Operating Hours

Trip.com Customer Center operates with operating hours as shown in the table below. If you need to make an inquiry, please refer to the operating hours.

Inquiry Customer Center Operating Hours
Flight ticket and hotel reservation inquiries available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Other product reservation inquiries 08:00 ~ 24:00
The customer center’s operating hours vary depending on the country, so if you inquire while traveling overseas, please refer to the customer center’s operating hours so that you can inquire at the appropriate time.

In this way, we looked at the Trip.com customer center phone number and operating hours. In addition to making inquiries over the phone, you can also make inquiries through chat or email. If you find it difficult to inquire over the phone, please use various means.