핀크 비상금 대출 Daegu Bank Finq emergency fund loan conditions and application method (1st financial institution, available for unemployed people) – Youth Korea Financial News

핀크 비상금 대출This is a product where limit inquiries and applications are processed by Finq, and loan screening and loan payments are processed by DGB Daegu Bank. Anyone with a smartphone can easily use it. Learn more about the loan conditions and application method below.
Finq is a financial application like Toss and Payco. These days, it is widely used because it is possible to easily compare loan interest rates and check SKT telecom credit ratings. *The T-score function has been removed.
Finq emergency loans tend to be approved more easily than other emergency loans. Therefore, it is a popular product with a higher approval rate compared to emergency fund loan products from other first-tier financial institutions, even for unemployed full-time housewives and students without a fixed income.
Due to security policy, capture is not possible, so a written explanation will be provided.
① Download the Finq app and connect.
② Click the [Loan] icon in the bottom menu of the home screen.
② Scroll down a little and click [Lightning Loan – Finq Emergency Loan].
③ Click the [Check my limit] button > Enter personal information and information > Click the Next button.
④ Proceed with the loan according to the instructions
If you have any questions about the loan, please contact us using the contact information below.
We have resumed loan products while currently under inspection. One thing that is unfortunate is that the interest rate rose slightly after the inspection was completed. Still, the interest rate is not bad for an emergency loan from a first-tier financial institution.
This is a product with a high approval rate among first-tier financial institutions’ loans to the unemployed. For those with a short credit transaction period, credit loans are not easily approved. This emergency loan has a high probability of being approved, so I highly recommend it if you need a small amount of money in a hurry.
If you look at the emergency fund loan rejection reviews from first-tier financial institutions, there seem to be a total of three reasons for rejection.
DGB Daegu Bank’s emergency loan using the Finq app can be easily applied by anyone using a smartphone, and since deposits can be received immediately, it is a good product for those who are in a hurry for a small amount of money. If you were rejected based on the screening criteria, please check the loan products for unemployed people from other banks at the bottom.
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