하이패스 사용내역 조회 Check Hi-Pass usage history

For those who frequently travel on business, highway tolls and gas costs are a must. In the case of tolls, Hi-Pass is used, so you must submit a Hi-Pass receipt as proof.

하이패스 사용내역

하이패스 사용내역

Hi-Pass usage details can be easily printed by accessing the Hi-Pass website.


Highway toll website


How to use Hi-Pass
A card is required to use Hi-Pass. There are three types of cards: prepaid, postpaid, and automatic recharge.


In the case of prepaid cards, you can charge a certain amount and then use that amount. In the case of postpaid cards, it is similar to a credit card, so you can use it without deducting the amount when using the highway and then pay on a set date.


You can use the automatic recharge method by setting the amount and when the balance becomes less than the set amount, the amount is automatically withdrawn from the registered account and recharged.


Inquiry on non-payment of highway tolls


Hi-pass receipt printing
To print a Hi-Pass receipt, access the [Hi-Pass Service Integration] site. On this site, you can check all Hi-Pass information as well as print the Hi-Pass receipt.


Hi-pass receipt

If you access the highway toll homepage and look at the right side, you can check toll refund rate inquiry, Hi-Pass usage history, terminal management, unpaid toll, automatic payment application, and tenant information changes.


Hi-pass receipt

If you are a non-member, please log in as your viewing may be limited. Please note that when registering for Hi-Pass, in most cases, you sign up as a member and then create an account and register.


To print a Hi-Pass receipt, check Hi-Pass usage history > Use history inquiry > Card company and card number > Inquiry period > Inquiry criteria > Public/private sector classification > Sorting criteria > Receipt time display > Number of prints and then search.


Hi-pass receipt printing


You can print the Hi-Pass receipt in its entirety or select parts of it, so you can print it depending on your intended use.


While driving, you may accidentally fail to pay the toll. Please note that even in this case, you can pay immediately after checking the unpaid toll.


Hi-Pass Make unpaid payments immediately


Hi-Pass receipt printouts are usually issued by people who frequently travel on business as evidence to submit to their companies. You can also print it out in Excel, so please use it the way you want.