해피머니 현금화 New Happy Money cashing method *Mobilience Card* (limit, existing recharge amount impact, mobile phone recharge)

해피머니 현금화2023. 3. 29. 22:56

23.03.29 (Wed)
New Happy Money Cashing Method
Mobilians Card
(Limit, impact of existing recharge amount, mobile phone recharge)
March 27
In the Mobilians Card App
You can recharge with Happy Money gift certificates!

Happy Money Cash is not just charged
The fact that refund (cash) is also possible!!

gift vouchers
Happy Money, Book and Life,
Culture Land (16 digits), Cultural Gift Certificate (18 digits)
Among them, Happy Money is released most often/a lot.

It was a pity that the method of cashing was limited.
It’s so nice to have one new window lined up

To get a refund for Happy Cash
You need to sign up for the ⌜Mobilians App⌟

In fact, until now, unless you are a Shinhan Themore card user
It wasn’t a card worth using.

Now, even if you use it only for cashing Happy Money
I got enough benefits!!

I charge my phone with a mobile card
Points charged and charged points
Used for tax payment

And the mobile phone recharge amount is the more card
It is used for installment payment of communication cost.

Invitation code for new signup
* How to Cash Out Happy Money *
First, download and run the mobile card app.

Tap General Charge in the middle of the main screen

On the right screen, the charging method
Select Happy Money Gift Certificate (Happy Cash)

Enter Happy Money ID + payment password
Go to the Happy Cash recharge menu

Note here!

on the mobile card
There is an 8% conversion fee.

1,080,000 Happy Cash → Recharge 1,000,000 won
It is a system that

The traditional PAYCO method
1 million Happy Cash → Charge 920,000 won
there is a difference with

Therefore, in order to withdraw the maximum from the mobile card
2,160,000 Happy Cash charged → 2,000,000 won can be withdrawn

And besides, note
The minimum conversion amount is KRW 1,000
Conversion unit is KRW 100

Gift certificate conversion limit
1 million won per day
2 million won per month
For reference, I bought 20 Happy Money 50,000 won tickets.
Those who want to cash in as much as 1 million Happy Cash

You can recharge 925,900 won as above

I checked all notes
You have now recharged your Happy Cash

1.08 million Happy Cash → 1 million won

The daily charge limit is 100,000 won.
I tried charging it to max first.

And the next day, according to the remaining monthly limit of 2 million won
I tried to charge 1 million won in Happy Cash.

Recharge is only 535,460 won
I couldn’t input

I wondered why

With mobile phone charging
464,370 won has been charged

Happy Cash is only 535,460 won
I was unable to charge

In conclusion, the total charge limit of the mobile card is 2 million won,
If you have a cell phone charge, including that amount
Recharge only up to 200,000 won

For mobile cards, there is a 300 won fee per refund.
I tried to apply for a refund of 2 million won at once.
I think I will have to refund twice.

I used to charge my phone
About 46,000 won has already been charged.

Because the holdings are 200 million won
I was able to recharge only 1.54 million won in Happy Cash.
I refunded only the amount

click on my page
Click Card Refund Request/Inquiry

in the refundable amount
Gift voucher charge amount 1,535,330 won Click

You need to register for a refund account at first
ARS authentication is required when registering an account!

As soon as you request a refund
Payment will be completed at the same time

The left screen is the mobile card usage history.
The screen on the right is the bank deposit details!

In summary

3/27 (Mon) Recharge 1,080,000 Happy Cash
3/28 (Tue) Recharge Happy Cash 578,480
3/29 (Wed) Recharge Happy Cash 501,519
Total Happy Cash 2,159,999 charge

It is correct to charge 2.16 million Happy Cash
I lost 1 won less +_+

Happy Cash 2.16 million won like this
I charged it to my Mobilians card.

twice as above
KRW 1,535,330 + KRW 464,070
A total of 1,999,400 won was withdrawn
(A 300 won fee is charged for refund)

Because there is a fee of 300 won per refund application
If you apply for a refund of 2 million won at once,
You only pay one fee

In my case, I have a cell phone charge
Because it was not possible to recharge the full amount of 2 million won with Happy Cash
I paid 300 won twice as a fee.

And to commemorate the opening of Happy Cash Recharge
When charging a mobile card with Happy Cash
Mobile Point 1,000p + Happy Cash 1,000 won
I’m doing an event

Posting it looks complicated.
It’s actually very simple

to summarize
Sign up for the Mobilians App
Refund after charging Happy Cash.

After charging up to 2.16 million Happy Cash
2 million won can be cashed out

Very easy Happy Money Gift Certificate
It’s nice that there’s one more route to monetize
Invitation code for new signup
#Happy Money Cash
# Cashing out Happy Money gift certificates
#Happy Money Sangtech #Happy Money Refund
#Mobilians Happy Money #Mobilians Card
This is a daily blog that contains various topics such as ordinary office worker’s investment method, restaurants, travel, and daily life.

해피머니 현금화
