핸드폰 대리점 What you need to know when purchasing a mobile phone from a dealer

핸드폰 대리점Cell phone purchasing tips-thumbnail

Here are some things you need to know when visiting a cell phone store. If you visit without even knowing the basics, you will make a purchase decision without knowing whether you are being scammed or paying a high price.

1. Affiliate card discount

When purchasing a cell phone, if you receive an affiliate card and spend more than a certain amount each month, you will receive a discount of about 16,000 won per month. Is this discounted amount the amount discounted by the dealership?
no. It’s a conditional discount where I only get the discount if I use the card, but they say it as if the discount is given by the dealership. If you really need the card, you can apply, but please remember that this is a discount you won’t receive if you don’t use the card a lot each month.

2. Publicly announced subsidies and optional agreements

Since the publicly announced subsidy requires a 2-year contract with the telecommunication company, the amount varies each month due to the discount provided by the telecommunication company.
The optional contract means receiving a 25% discount each month.

3. Return your cell phone

There are dealerships that say they will give you a discount if you return your phone. However, even if you sell your cell phone used, you can receive more than the discounted amount.

4. Lower rates to 48-month contract

The monthly fee is the sum of the device + plan.
For example, if you use a machine costing 1.2 million won with a 24-month contract and a fee of 69,000 won, it will cost you 119,000 won per month.
However, if you change to a 48-month contract, it will cost 94,000 won per month.
Although your monthly payment amount has been reduced, the actual amount will remain the same, and the interest on your device will also increase due to your longer contract.

5. Return conditions after 2 years

The condition that if you return your cell phone after two years, it will be replaced with a new cell phone and you will receive a discount is also aimed at increasing the number of installments to 48 months. Repair costs may be deducted depending on the condition of the cell phone used after two years, and purchase is not possible. In some cases.

6. When promoting a watch or tablet

In the past, manufacturers themselves provided free gifts, but when stores provide watches or tablets, you can think of them as included in the fee or device price. (conditions for using a specific rate plan, etc.)

Purchases should be planned rather than impulsive.
A cheaper way is to go to a store that offers the most subsidy on the day when the publicly announced subsidy for the cell phone you want to purchase is the highest.

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