핸드폰 분실시 대처요령 What to do if you lose your phone quickly

핸드폰 분실시 대처요령What to do if you lose your cell phone

Even if we don’t talk about expensive cell phones, smartphones these days contain quite important information, including personal information and contacts of acquaintances. Since many people proceed with banking or stocks on mobile, it also contains information related to finance. Let’s take a look at how to act when you lose an important cell phone in our lives, and how to deal with lost cell phones.

It is a personal choice whether to report the loss of the cell phone to the telecommunications company first or to block only the use of the smartphone and contact the person who found it. If you report the loss, you can get a loss confirmation certificate from the telecommunications company, and if someone uses your smartphone with the loss confirmation certificate, you can get help in identifying that person’s information.

However, these days, the first thing to do when a cell phone is lost is to track its location. It is available for both Android and IOS based smartphones. Each provides a Find My Device service, so you can know where your smartphone is currently. It can be used at any time unless the phone is turned off, and the person who acquired it cannot know that I am tracking the location.

You can also lock your phone here, display a message on your smartphone screen, or force your phone to ring to determine your location by sound. This is a great feature to use when your phone is on silent. It’s forced to ring loudly, so it’s easy to spot if your phone isn’t turned off.

Another way to cope with the loss of a cell phone is to register a lost item or check it at the lost and found center. If you lose your smartphone on public transportation, it would be a good idea to contact the Public Transportation Lost and Found Center to find it or check the Korail Lost & Found Center. In the case of a taxi, if you contact the T-money center with the receipt, you can obtain information about the taxi you boarded.

Cell phone locator provides the exact location through GPS and can help protect personal information by enabling functions such as data deletion if it is determined that the cell phone cannot be found. If you need a cell phone in the process of looking for a smartphone, you can rent a cell phone for about KRW 1,000 per month through a telecommunications agency.

Here’s what to do if you lose your cell phone. First of all, it is good to check where you are through location tracking, and try to call the person you have learned. If the person who acquired it is unwilling to return it, it is the most problematic. At this time, if the other party sends a text message or calls using a smartphone, it is rather easy to find it, so it seems necessary to consider whether to keep the phone function alive.

핸드폰 분실시 대처요령
