현대해상 보험료 카드납부 Hyundai M&F, do not listen to the ‘consumer song’ in the age of gold law – WikiLeaksKorea

현대해상 보험료 카드납부According to related industries on the 15th, Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance’s credit card payment product index was 94.8 as of the fourth quarter of last year, allowing insurance premiums to be paid by card payment in most insurance products on sale, such as long-term protection insurance and auto insurance. It is operating at a higher level than the industry average (89.7).
However, the method of payment by card payment is still receiving complaints from subscribers. In order to pay by card, you must directly contact the designer in charge on the payment date and inform the subscriber of his or her card information before making the payment. If you have applied for payment by bank account direct debit, you should cancel it in advance to prevent double payments.
This is also revealed by the index. As of the fourth quarter of last year, Hyundai M&F’s continuing insurance premium card payment index was -1.2, which was lower than the average of non-life insurers at 4.4. In addition, Hyundai M&F’s actual card payment index for the same period was 12.5 in terms of number of cases, lower than the industry average of 16.1, and in terms of amount, it was 33.3, slightly higher than the average (28.6).
This means that even if a number of products that allow credit card payment are operated, it is very rare that a credit card payment is actually made.
In particular, it is pointed out that insurance premiums are induced to be paid in cash through account transfer rather than’card payment’. This is because the insurance premium discount benefit that can be received in the case of direct account transfer cannot be received with card payment.
Currently, Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance has a product that gives a 1% discount to customers who choose direct debit when paying insurance premiums. However, even for the same product, if you cancel direct debit and pay with a credit card, the discount benefits you have been receiving will also disappear.
In many online communities, it is easy to find examples of subscribers complaining of inconvenience due to this payment method.
One consumer said, “I am subscribed to several insurance companies such as Samsung and AIA, but it is the first time I have used a card payment method like Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance.” So, it’s been 1 year and 3 months since I signed up, but I received text messages twice saying that I hadn’t paid. I have to pay attention to the monthly card payment,” he said.
Another consumer said, “I was not informed that I had to change (payment method) to a card through the planner and call every month, so I found out after seeing the unpaid text message.”
A consumer who announced that he had signed up for Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance fetal insurance sharply criticized the convenience of “subscription” and “payment.”
He said, “It is ironic that while signing up with a mobile phone, authentication, and using a smart system makes it very easy to sign up, the planner in charge of credit card payment has to manually post approval to the head office every month.” I hope the marine payment system will change.”
There are also consumers who claimed that they did not receive a proper explanation from the designer. Some subscribers did not know that the refund related to the “maternity support fund” of the fetus insurance was actually a form of getting back the insurance premiums they had paid.
Mr. A, who subscribed to Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance’s fetal insurance, posted on an online community bulletin board, “Today, the insurance premium suddenly went out twice as much.” I have contacted the designer, but I am annoyed that there is no response yet.”
In the comments that followed, it was only after hearing the explanations, “The insurance premium is deducted twice in the month of childbirth, and then when the baby is born, it is settled again,” and “This is explained when you first sign up.” I have been holding it from the same designer for about 10 years, but why the hell are you not explaining these details?”
In particular, fetal insurance can be more expensive after childbirth than insurance premiums paid during pregnancy before childbirth according to contractual collateral. The company explains that if you do not understand this, you may be embarrassed about the maternity support fund or refund.
In addition, Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance explained that most of the industries are operating similarly for insurance premium card payments.
An official from Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance said, “Card payment for insurance premiums is similar to most insurance companies, and I know that automatic debit from the card every month is not possible.” Even if you put savings in the bank, it’s like not paying with a credit card,” he said.
“Payment by credit card is possible on the Internet for car insurance, Internet, and mobile products,” he explained, “but it is somewhat difficult for insurance companies to charge fees when paying by credit card.”
[WikiLeaks Korea = Reporter Yoo Kyung-ah]

현대해상 보험료 카드납부
