확정일자 받는 법 총정리 Summary of how to receive a confirmed date

Confirmation date and move-in report are one of the most important means of protecting your precious deposit. As I mentioned in the last post, the confirmed date and move-in report are necessary requirements for the tenant’s right to oppose and preferential repayment under the Housing Lease Protection Act.

확정일자 받는 법

확정일자 받는 법

Today, for those who are about to sign a lease or are in the process of doing so, we will look at how to report a move-in online and how to receive a confirmed lease date.





1. Meaning of move-in report, meaning of confirmed date
What is moving-in report?
If you change your residence through a lease agreement, you must notify the city/county/district head of the area that you have changed your address.


What is the confirmed date?
The confirmed date refers to the date stamped in the margin of the rental reservation form to confirm the date on which the housing rental contract was concluded at the court or local office.

This stamp is required by law to determine the date the lease agreement was created and has evidentiary value. After signing the lease, we must receive a confirmed date through a move-in report for our transaction to be legally effective.



Criteria for meeting resistance: Completed move-in report
Criteria for satisfying priority repayment rights: The date of confirmation and the criteria for meeting the opposing power (moving-in report completed) have been completed.


2. Reasons why you need to receive a move-in report and confirmation date
If you do not receive a confirmed date, you have no legal power to fight, and if the house you contracted for is sold at auction, your deposit may not be protected if there is a senior mortgage, so you must report your move-in and confirm the date on the day you move in.




3. How to receive a confirmed lease date
1) How to receive a confirmed lease date offline: You can receive a confirmed date by visiting the district office (community center) or court in charge of the rental housing location with the two items below and applying.

For those who find it inconvenient to apply online, the easiest way is to visit the administrative agency in person.

Required materials to apply for a confirmed lease date at the community center (village office) or court
① Original housing lease agreement
② Resident registration card (or driver’s license, passport, alien registration card)


2) How to receive a confirmed jeonse date online: If it is difficult to visit the administrative agency in person due to circumstances, you can apply by paying a fee of 500 won at the Supreme Court Internet Registry Office. You must log in to the Supreme Court Internet Registry site, fill out the application for a confirmed date, scan the housing lease agreement, and register it as a file.



Supreme Court Internet Registry Office Jeonse Confirmation Date Internet


① Unlike the government 24-hour system, you will not be a non-member, so you must register and log in to proceed.

After registering and logging in, click [Complete and submit application with confirmed date].


Supreme Court Internet Registry Office Jeonse Confirmation Date Internet


② Click the new button marked with a yellow square to fill out the application for the confirmed date.



Supreme Court Internet Registry Office Jeonse Confirmation Date Internet


③ After entering the location of the house, registration information, contract/applicant information, etc. in the rental agreement, the method of receiving a confirmed lease date using the Internet is completed.





It may seem easy when you look at it like this, but there are a lot of labor-intensive tasks, such as payment method, scanning the rental agreement, and uploading it as a PDF file, so I personally recommend using the local community office (community center).




4. How to report moving in
1) How to report moving in offline: District office or community center

Required documents when reporting a move-in at the community center (village office)
① Original housing lease agreement
② Resident registration card (or driver’s license, passport, alien registration card)
If you request a copy of the moving-in household inspection statement at the community center at the same time as you report moving in, you can check whether the move-in report has been received.



2) How to report moving in online: Government 24-hour site


How to report moving in online


Search for [Move-in Report] in the search bar, find [Move-in Report] in the civil service service, and click [Report] and [Apply].

If you have a government 24-hour ID, you can apply for membership. If you do not have an ID, you can apply as a non-member.

Afterwards, follow the guide and select the applicant’s information, reason for moving in, etc., enter the existing residence where you lived before moving, and the place you moved to (the intended residence according to the lease contract).





Reporting a move-in is easier than receiving a confirmation date. It can be completed very quickly as there is no membership registration process, no fees, and no contract file upload.




Today, we looked at how to receive a confirmed lease date and how to report a move-in, which are the first steps to protecting your precious deposit after moving.

Both are available both offline and online, so don’t forget the most basic safety measures to protect your tenant’s precious deposit! Please apply immediately on the day you move in.